Healing Trauma Before Giving Birth

Nancy Wainer writes in her book Open Season about the balls of black energy inside of ourselves that are stopping up the way for our babies to be able to easily move out and into the world.  Those balls, which are fears and doubts, dwelling in both the conscious or subconscious, have been caused by traumas that have been experienced during one's life. And they can be extremely detrimental to one's birth. 

*(Note: All of this can apply to giving birth to a variety of endeavors including starting a business as well!)

Nagging thoughts that arise in labor can slow or stop it, causing "Failure to Progress." If labor slows or stops, caregivers often get anxious. What happens then? A cascade of interventions are soon initiated that would have been otherwise unnecessary--including an unplanned cesarean section which is major abdominal surgery. 

In labor, a woman goes into a place in her more subconscious mind where moments from her past still reside--unless she has done what is necessary to let them go.

Ideally, it is a lovely place to be in labor-land, free from anything that could hold you back from laboring efficiently and comfortably, where you have everything resolved and can just let go of everything around you and let your body do what it was made to do. 


In pregnancy, we are making so many decisions. When decisions are made with fear, decisions can be made that are not in our best good--or in our baby's or family's best good. Fear can eclipse what you might have otherwise been able to see and do. 

When decisions are based on wisdom, however, wonderful possibilities you never imagined before can be led into your view.  

Fears can range from all kinds of things-- stories we may have heard about birth, stories we still hold in our DNA from our ancestors, or even worries about becoming a mother--or a mother again. They can include worries about finances, death, pain, injury, defects, weight gain, and so much more. 

Whether you have experienced a birth that didn't go as planned, sexual abuse in the past, death of a loved one, being judged by others which left you feeling less-than, illness that caused a loss of trust in your body, relationship difficulties with people around you,  or any other number of other adversities that have been yours to bear, it is important to clear the pathway for you and your baby to have a joyful, easier birth.

Isn't it time to bid those past traumas farewell and send them packing? You learned from those experiences what you needed to know. Perhaps you will be able to help others in the future who have the same experiences. But you do not need to hang on to what those past experiences are doing to you and your health and well-being. It is okay to release them. 

"Jennetta's warmth and caring perfectly complement her passion for sharing empowerment, whether it be evidence-based childbirth and other areas that impact family life...She cares about people, and ...has dedicated years to developing her ability to teach and lift others..."

"Jennetta is an amazing and powerful teacher! She meets people where they are at and builds them up! In working with her as my trainer for my childbirth education certification she was very helpful and understanding as well as very organized. Thank you, Jennetta!"

You will love this course!

Healing Trauma Before Giving Birth includes interviews with six other amazing experts in the field of trauma-recovery, infants, the prenatal period, and childbirth.

You will be given various release tools you can use right away to release once and for all the traumas or fears you have been carrying. As you choose to use them and heal, you will feel the difference by the end of the course.

*Bonuses included with course:

You will also receive a copy of the book Wise Childbearing, What You'll Want to Know as You Make Your Birth Choices

You may also wish to schedule a private session with me by phone, Zoom, or FaceTime. We will let the session take us where you most need it to. I will personally mentor you as you release other blocks to your emotional and physical health that are still needed. Sessions are $284 for 50 minutes-or-$567 for 1 $ 1/2 hrs.

(Sign up now while you know that it is right. When we wait or delay we can talk ourselves out of just what could make all the difference in our lives. This course is life-changing in some wonderful and amazing ways!!)

Come and spend some time releasing the past, learning as you go, growing as a person, and seeing and discovering how to be a much freer, happier you. You'll be SO glad you did!

I look forward to having you join with us in this course by signing up here. Just click the button below and I will see you there. I really look forward to getting to know you! ~Jennetta Billhimer

18 Modules

Healing Trauma Before Giving Birth Course Introduction

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Suzanne Arms--Birth Trauma Impact on You and Baby, Family, Society, and Integrating Your Experience

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